How to CheckOut

This page shows you how to complete the purchase of your order, make a payment and checkout from the site.
Registered Users

If you are already logged in as a registered user then the checkout process is very easy. After you clicked the "Checkout Now" box another window will open. This window will ask you:

  • to confirm your pre-entered user/billing details,
  • to confirm your pre-entered shipping address details and any special delivery instructions,
  • to advise if you want the invoice to be sent with the goods and
  • if you want to add a purchase order number or reference to the order.

You will then be asked to confirm your payment method, enter credit card details and finally to accept the terms and conditions of the site.

When you have entered or confirmed all of this information and are happy that it is correct you simply click the Red "Confirm & Process Order" box and your order is complete. Thank you!

Unregistered Users


Click here to find out more about Educational Pricing:

If you are new to the site and haven't already registered, you will need to complete all of the registration details before we can process your order. This is quite straightforward but does require accurate details so that we can be sure we are shipping your order to the correct address and that the right account will be billed.

Click here for more more details on Registration:

Complete all of the details, register the username and then you will be able to finalize the cart as above for registered users.  

We hope this information  was helpful to you.

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Please email your comments back to us at: or call us on 07 3217-0088.